- June 8th, 2015

Every year, the Department of Public Works for the City of Pittsburgh uses street condition data from the City’s Pavement Management System, citizen requests through 311, and condition reports from Public Works Street Maintenance Division staff to develop a paving program for the coming year. Preliminary paving projects are shared with local utility companies to not only ensure they do not conflict with planned projects but also identify opportunities to work together and share costs for street restoration.
The Department of Public Works is please to share the 2015 Paving Projects in an easy-to-navigate Paving Project Viewer. Please note that our 2015 paving program will be adjusted as needed throughout the coming season for a number of reasons, including:
- Unforeseen emergency work that requires reallocation of resources to a new project
- Changes to utility company projects that may require rescheduling of a planned project for next season
- Higher than expected costs for restoration on certain projects may require rescheduling of other planned projects for a future construction season
Click here to view 2015 currently planned projects.