- January 15th, 2018

The City of Pittsburgh will soon install traffic diverters at the intersection of Robinson Street and Fifth Avenue to prevent vehicles from illegally turning from Robinson onto 376 West. In addition, Gist & Miltenberger Streets, in Uptown, will be converted to One Way.
The list of anticipated work includes:
- Implement One Way conversions of Gist Street (Forbes Avenue to Fifth Avenue) and Miltenberger Street (Boulevard of the Allies to Locust Street)
- Port Authority of Allegheny County will install signage alerting riders of upcoming stop relocation
- Install "No Access" and directional guidance signs throughout West Oakland
- Relocate Robinson Street bus stop to a spot approx. 200' west of current location (P3 and 93 continue to stop at existing location)
- Install channelizer posts at Fifth Avenue/Robinson Street
For more details, click HERE to see presentation slides outlining the upcoming changes.