- June 6th, 2022

To accommodate crane placement and work zone safety during PennDOT's bridge deck lane widening project on I-376 Parkway East (inbound), access to Bates Street will be closed from both the Boulevard of the Allies and Second Avenue for a 5-day period beginning at 9:00 p.m. Friday night, June 10 and continuing through 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, June 15.
The on-ramp to I-376 Parkway East (outbound) will also be closed during the 5-day period. To access I-376 Parkway East (outbound) from South Oakland or Second Avenue, posted detour signage will direct motorists inbound to downtown to access the I-376 ramp from Grant Street and the Boulevard of the Allies. Details and maps below.
Exit 73B (North 885/Oakland) will remain open during construction and motorists will be able to continue using Bates Street from the Parkway East exit into Oakland. Pedestrian traffic on Bates Street will also not be impacted.
Part of a longer 15-day closure of Exit 73A (South 885/Glenwood) and a single-lane restriction on I-376 Parkway East inbound approaching the work site (from Mile Marker 73.5 to Mile Marker 72.5), additional overnight restrictions may occur on Bates Street from June 15-25 on an as-needed basis.
Detour to I-376 Parkway East (outbound) from the top of Bates Street via Boulevard of the Allies (inbound): |
For motorists leaving Oakland to head outbound on I-376 Parkway East from the top of Bates Street, PennDOT's posted detour (pictured above) will be as follows:
Detour to I-376 Parkway East (outbound) from the bottom of Bates Street via Second Avenue (inbound): |
For motorists leaving Oakland looking to reach I-376 Parkway East from the bottom of Bates Street, PennDOT's posted detour (pictured above) will be as follows:
Help Mitigate Congestion: We encourage commuters to help mitigate congestion by using alternative modes of transportation other than a single-occupant vehicle every day, but especially during this upcoming 15-day period. If your route destination/origin allows, please consider carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit and utilizing Park n' Ride lots, or telecommuting if working from home is an option for you. |
Closure of southbound Bates Street (no access from the Boulevard of the Allies) around-the-clock from 9pm Friday, June 10 through 5am Wednesday, June 15 – with additional overnight closures implemented as-needed thereafter. |
Southbound Bates Street will close at the Boulevard of the Allies from 9:00 p.m. Friday night continuously through 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, June 15. Additionally, overnight closures will occur as needed from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 15 through Saturday, June 25. Traffic will be detoured as follows:
Travelers with South Side as their destination can opt to turn right onto the 10th Street Bridge from Second Avenue, as well, to avoid further congestion. |
Closure of northbound Bates Street (no access from Second Avenue) around-the-clock from 9pm Friday, June 10 through 5am Wednesday, June 15 – with additional overnight closures implemented as-needed thereafter. |
Note: Though access from Second Avenue will be restricted, traffic exiting I-376 Parkway East will continue to use Exit 73B to North 885/Oakland (heading uphill on Bates Street) throughout the project. |
Northbound Bates Street will close at Second Avenue from 9:00 p.m. Friday night continuously through 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, June 15. Additionally, overnight closures will occur as needed from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 15 through Saturday, June 25. Traffic will be detoured as follows: