- June 6th, 2022

The 15-day closure of Exit 73A (South 885/Glenwood) from I-376 Parkway East (inbound) and a single-lane restriction on I-376 Parkway East approaching the work site (from Mile Marker 73.5 to Mile Marker 72.5) begins at 9:00 p.m. Friday night, June 10 through 9:00 p.m. Saturday night, June 25.
Exit 73B (North 885/Oakland) will remain open during construction and motorists will be able to continue using Bates Street from the Parkway East exit into Oakland. Pedestrian traffic on Bates Street will also not be impacted.
Additionally, to accommodate crane placement and work zone safety during the initial 5-day period of PennDOT's bridge deck lane widening project on I-376 Parkway East (inbound), access to Bates Street will be also be restricted from both the Boulevard of the Allies and Second Avenue from 9:00 p.m. Friday night, June 10 through 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, June 15. Additional overnight restrictions may occur on Bates Street from June 15-25 on an as-needed basis.
The on-ramp to I-376 Parkway East (outbound) will also be closed during the same 5-day period. To access I-376 Parkway East (outbound) from South Oakland or Second Avenue, posted detour signage will direct motorists inbound to downtown to access the I-376 ramp from Grant Street and the Boulevard of the Allies. Details and maps can be found here.
Single-lane restriction on I-376 Parkway East (inbound) through the work zone from 9pm Friday, June 10 continuously through 9pm Saturday, June 25. |
Motorists will see the far right lane restricted beginning at Mile Marker 73.5 and ending near Mile Marker 72.5. The restriction will remain in place continuously through 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 25. |
Closure of Exit 73A off-ramp from I-376 Parkway East to South 885/Glenwood around-the-clock from 9pm Friday, June 10 through 9pm Saturday, June 25. |
The South 885/Glenwood off-ramp (Exit 73A) from inbound (westbound) I-376 Parkway East will close around-the-clock from 9:00 p.m. Friday night continuously through 9:00 p.m. Saturday night, June 25. Traffic will be detoured as follows:
Travelers with South Side as their destination can opt to turn right onto the 10th Street Bridge from Second Avenue, as well, to avoid further congestion. |
Help Mitigate Congestion: We encourage commuters to help mitigate congestion by using alternative modes of transportation other than a single-occupant vehicle every day, but especially during this upcoming 15-day period. If your route destination/origin allows, please consider carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit and utilizing Park n' Ride lots, or telecommuting if working from home is an option for you. |
What work is being completed and why is this closure necessary? (ECMS 104228 Almono SR 376 Parkway Central Exit 73A Full Closure) |
These around-the-clock continuous construction activities are for the I-376 Parkway East "central westbound bridge deck lane widening" to lengthen the Ramp D deceleration lane prior to Exit 73A (SR 885 South/Glenwood) which moves traffic to southbound Bates Street. The continuous closure includes portions of the far-right westbound lane of I-376 Parkway East after the Squirrel Hill Tunnel. The widening activities include partial demolition of the existing structure, and removal of the bridge parapets and a portion of the existing bridge deck. A structural steel girder will be installed on the newly constructed portion of the structure. Prefabricated precast concrete deck panels will then be installed onto the newly erected steel girder providing the additional lane width. An ultra-high-performance concrete product will the be utilized to bond the new precast panels to the existing bridge deck, and a new latex wearing surface will also be applied to the structure. In order to complete these construction activities, a large crane is required to be centrally stationed on Bates Street to provide the lifting capabilities for the demolition removal, girder erection, and precast panel installation. This operation requires utilizing the complete roadway width, thus prohibiting traffic from traveling on Bates Street during these operations and necessitating the full closure of the roadway. |
About the project: Work this year related to the $7.62 million project includes widening the I-376 bridge over Bates Street to lengthen the deceleration lane to the Glenwood off-ramp, and traffic signal installation at the Oakland and Glenwood off-ramp intersections with Bates Street. Turning lane installation on Route 885 at the intersections with Second Avenue, Hot Metal Street, Greenfield Avenue, and Hazelwood Avenue began last year. The overall project is expected to finish in September 2022. |