- November 12th, 2021

The Four Mile Run Stormwater Project encompasses Schenley Park and Garfield, Hazelwood, Oakland, and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods, capturing stormwater through a natural channel that follows the path of historic streams that formed Four Mile Run from Panther Hollow Lake to the Monongahela River. The work being done in this area aims to help reduce combined sewer overflows, basement backups, and neighborhood flooding.
Currently, the M-29 Outfall Improvement Project component is actively under construction – with the majority of construction to be completed this November (with a new flap gate installation now scheduled for early 2022 due to manufacturing delays).
Traffic Impacts: To accommodate construction, weekday lane closures continue on Second Avenue near the Hazelwood Green site. Detours on nights or weekends will be limited to an as-needed-basis only.
Next up: Large diameter water main (carrying public water supply) relocation in The Run will begin in next spring with an expected completion date in early 2023. (Note: The application was submitted in May 2021, requiring a permitting agreement with CSX Railroad which is still being reviewed for approval. Construction can begin once an agreement is reached, at which point temporary closures along Junction Hollow Trail will be announced.
PWSA also has work planned to replace smaller water mains along Saline Street and Boundary Street which will result in lane restrictions and temporary closures which will be announced in advance of construction next spring.
PWSA has shared the presentation (which contains a lot of great imagery outlining the project and existing conditions) and video recording from last week's community meeting on the Four Mile Run Stormwater Project. Ongoing updates regarding this multi-year project are published on the PWSA website under maintenance projects.
The neighborhood projects reviewed last week included updates on the relocation of a large diameter water line, general stormwater improvements, M-29 outfall improvements, as well as overall project schedule and costs. A summary – which will also include a review of questions answered during the meeting – is anticipated to be posted during the first week of November on the project microsite.
Anyone who has additional comments about this ongoing, multi-phase project from PWSA is encouraged to share them using their online project feedback form here. PWSA has also designated Senior Manager of Public Affairs, Rebecca Zito, as the primary contact for community questions.