- December 17th, 2021

While major construction along the Route 28 and I-79 corridors receive a lot of attention, District 11 has been very successful at addressing smaller, impactful projects that affect our local communities according to District 11 Executive Cheryl Moon-Sirianni.
Some projects will continue through the winter with work that is critical to maintaining the most basic needs of our transportation system, such as roadway patching, landslide repairs, and preparatory work for the 2022 season according to Assistant District Executive for Construction Jason Zang.
Notable Allegheny County projects completed this year that have had a big impact for commuters include:
$29.62 million I-579 “Cap” Urban Connector in Pittsburgh
$15 million Route 30 Betterment Project in Forest Hills & North Versailles
$4.17 million Route 366 Tarentum Bridge Ramp “B” Rehabilitation in Tarentum
$12.41 million Kenmawr Bridge Replacement in Rankin & Swissvale
$5.54 million Kennywood Boulevard Bridge Preservation in West Mifflin & Duquesne
$7.93 million I-376 Betterment Project in Robinson, North Fayette & Moon
$4.43 million Route 88 Widening & Bridge Replacement in Bethel Park
Notable ongoing projects that will continue in 2022 include:
- $47.54 million Route 28 Highland Park Interchange Improvement Project to address an existing bottleneck, roadway and ramp reconstruction, and improve safety
- $42.2 million I-79 Neville Island Bridge Rehabilitation
- $17.45 million Route 837 East Carson Street Safety Improvement Project
- $26.49 million I-79 Roadway Resurfacing & Bridge Deck Replacement
- $11.69 million Route 2040 (Lebanon Church Road) Betterment Project
For more information on current projects, those made possible by or accelerated by Act 89, the state transportation funding plan, or those on the Transportation Improvement Program 4- and 12-Year Plans, visit the PennDOT Projects website. Each features a nice map to view progress and locations of projects across the region, and the state.
(Update 5/13/22) Documents related to the Draft 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) identifying the region's priority roadway, transit, and multimodal transportation improvements programmed for advancement over the next four years can be found on the SPC website here.