- November 12th, 2021

The initial public comment period for the Oakland Plan draft strategies had ended but, through efforts of the plan's Steering Committee, City Planning has now extended the public comment period on Oakland Plan draft strategies through November 30.
For those not already familiar, The Oakland Plan is a 10-year plan with a shared vision for Oakland's future and the projects/programs necessary to make that vision a reality. Once adopted by the Planning Commission, it will be come City policy and guide both public and private investments in Oakland – from new land use regulations to transportation and infrastructure improvements and public programs, the Oakland Plan covers a lot of ground.
Public input on the draft strategies, vision statement, and goals developed to date is essential to the planning process and will be used by City Planning staff, the Steering Committee, and Action Teams when finalizing the Oakland Plan.
You are encouraged to add your voice and provide comment on each of the four components to the Plan using the City of Pittsburgh's Engage portal here – from Community, Development, Mobility, and Infrastructure, as well as the plan's Vision Statement.