- March 11th, 2020

The City of Pittsburgh's Department of Mobility & Infrastructure (DOMI) is pleased to announce the opening of Swinburne Street in South Oakland. The road will remain open until final paving is done in the spring. Swinburne Street will then be fully reopened with unrestricted two way traffic.
This follows five months of construction to stabilize the slope. Swinburne is one of several streets that have been affected by landslides over the last few years due to extreme weather conditions.
Several other large scale slide response projects are either in construction or will be started in the coming months, including William Street, Forward Avenue and Greenleaf Street.
For questions, please contact the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure at domi.streets@pittsburghpa.gov or 412-255-8850. More information on the project and periodic updates can be found at https://pittsburghpa.gov/domi/current-projects.
Project construction photos are below.
Image Credit: Department of Mobility and Infrastructure