- December 17th, 2021

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) have announced plans to begin construction next spring on Irvine Street sidewalk improvements between Hazelwood and Greenfield. The Critical Sidewalk Gaps – Irvine Street Project will involve the replacement of existing sidewalks, curbs, and curb ramps along the east side of Irvine Street – with curb reconstruction incorporated as budget allows. ADA ramps and driveways will also be upgraded.
The intent of the $1.2 million project is to address a strong desire in the Hazelwood and Greenfield communities to provide a safe pedestrian connection between neighborhoods. An online presentation and fact sheet of the project outlining proposed plans and construction schedule is available on the City's EngagePGH platform. Public comment for this presentation will be accepted through January 7, 2022 via EngagePGH. The construction schedule is under development, but the overall project is anticipated to take 7 months to complete through winter 2022.
This project is unrelated to ongoing development work happening at Hazelwood Green for the foreseeable future.