- September 25th, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Safety Council postponed the observance of Distracted Driving Awareness Month from April to October 2020.
On a typical day, more than 700 people are injured in distracted driving crashes. Talking on a cell phone – even hands-free – texting or programming an in-vehicle infotainment system diverts your attention away from driving. Keep yourself and others around you safe and #justdrive.
Join National Safety Council and lead sponsor TRUCE Software during Distracted Driving Awareness Month this October 2020 to help make our roadways and our people safer.
Commit to driving distraction free by taking the NSC Just Drive Pledge. Thanks to a partnership between the NSC and The Zebra, $1 will be donated for every pledge taken through November 6, 2020, to support the NSC 's work to keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.