- April 7th, 2020

The Pittsburgh Business Times reported today that Carnegie Mellon University has "started an alternative work marketplace for remote assignments" in an effort to help their employees whose jobs cannot be performed remotely. The program aims to provide "creative alternative options to keep people busy and earning full compensation through the end of May, according to a news release." CMU's human resources department is tasked with collecting survey data from supervisors to identify availability and need in order to then match employees with appropriate work assignments.
According to the Pittsburgh Business Times article, CMU President Farnam Jahanian said in a prepared statement, "This policy is built on the notion that we are all in this together. It is my hope the marketplace will help all staff to feel empowered and supported in contributing to the mission of the university and the needs of our community at this unique time."
Employees have been given other options, as well, including community service, volunteer opportunities, and professional development, the option to use add future accrued time beyond their earned PTO, and the ability to operate on a reduced work schedule for up to two months with reduced pay.
For the whole story, visit the Pittsburgh Business Times website and read the full article. They are offering a 4-week subscription for only $4 right now. They've also got great articles detailing the University of Pittsburgh's potential vaccine for novel coronavirus and Restaurant Depot opening to the general public during this pandemic emergency.
In Transportation News:
Check out the Pittsburgh Business Times article about the $141.75 million in federal reimbursements for expenses related to COVID-19 that the Port Authority of Allegheny County will be eligible to receive. Statewide, transit agencies are eligible for $1.14 billion in reimbursements for lost revenue – including the anticipated $30 million operating budget impact the Port Authority anticipates through the end of June due to reduced passenger and adverseiting revenue and increased expenses to cover the adjusted frequency of cleaning and acquisition of personal protective equipment for their employees.