- February 26th, 2024

“The EV revolution is here. To make the most of it we must ensure that everyone, from the largest cities to the most rural communities, has access to reliable EV charging infrastructure,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “These grants bring us another step closer to a national EV charging network that keeps up with the EV transition that’s well underway.”
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With continued Commonwealth investments combined with federal infrastructure programs, the Shapiro Administration is continuing its work to address climate change, grow the Commonwealth's economy and ensure that Pennsylvania is ready for the next generation of transportation, one that will be cleaner, safer, more affordable, and more reliable than ever before.
"Thanks to Governor Shapiro's leadership, we are now among the nation's leaders in rapidly implementing federal EV investments and are pleased to be a part of this new program," Carroll said. "The Shapiro Administration remains focused on improving our current transportation system while meeting Pennsylvanians' growing demands for EV-charging options."
PennDOT was among 24 grant recipients for the EV Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator Program. The funds received through this grant will be allocated through a program that PennDOT anticipates administering similarly to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. There are 293 eligible charging ports at 174 locations in Pennsylvania which are all privately owned. PennDOT will run a competitive program to select chargers and sites and anticipates that between 20 and 50 sites will receive an award.
PennDOT will develop and announce the funding opportunity in the coming months. A 20% match will be required for awarded funds. Information on PennDOT's EV and alternative-fuel infrastructure initiatives and programs can be found on its website.
Source: FHWA, US DOT & PennDOT