- March 31st, 2022

This new interactive map resource from OTMA highlights transportation-related construction projects, as well as many transit, utility, institutional and private development projects that may impact travel in, around, and through Oakland during construction or create long-term multimodal improvements upon completion.
This educational resource provides commuters with a visual representation of active and planned construction that may impact their travel routes, and connects them with detailed project information, schedules, photos and renderings, engineering documents, and links that can assist them when making travel decisions – helping to mitigate congestion and improve air quality in our region by encouraging the use of multimodal travel options other than the single occupant vehicle like transit, bicycling, walking, carpooling, vanpooling, micromobility, and telecommuting whenever possible.
How to: Using filters, users can opt to display only active or planned projects from six categories: Roadway improvements, bridge, transit, multimodal infrastructure like bicycle/pedestrian improvements, as well as institutional and private development. Click on a project icon to expand project details and, in some instances, review posted detour routes (example shown below).
You can view "completed projects" on the map by enabling an additional filter to review a few projects that have added or improved multimodal routes and connections in the area, as well.
Where does this information come from? The map is being maintained regularly by OTMA using information provided by state, county, city, and local agencies, institutional partners, private developers, and other community partners.
For project owners/construction leads: To see additional projects added to the map or suggest edits, please email us info@otma-pgh.org with "Construction Resource Map" in the subject line.